

In 2024, we embarked on a transformative journey engaging in conversations that explored the exciting synergy between AI, various business functions, and diverse industries. We uncovered how organisations can harness the vast potential of AI to outperform competitors, streamline operations, and unlock new revenue streams.

Through a distinguished gathering of industry leaders from diverse sectors, we continue to foster meaningful conversations on harnessing AI's transformative potential. Discussions center on key topics such as achieving data readiness, adopting responsible AI practices, scaling from pilot projects to enterprise-level solutions, and seamlessly managing the entire AI lifecycle.


Anoop Manohar
Chief Marketing Officer, Axis Bank
Avinash Raghavendra
President & Head-Information Technology, Axis Bank
Charandeep David
Corporate Vice President Human Resources, Max Life Insurance
Mahesh Ramamoorthy
Chief Information Officer, Yes Bank
Nipun Kaushal
Chief Marketing Officer, Yes Bank