Mastering Risk Resilience In The Era of Polycrisis
Traditionally businesses handled just a couple of risks at a time. But now, it's a whole different story. Risks are popping up everywhere, in all shapes and sizes, and they're coming at us fast and furious.
Today, businesses are dealing with a whole bunch of risks all at once, also known as the 'polycrisis' era. These risks can range from stuff like tensions between countries to ups and downs in the economy, even to challenges with the environment.
So, it's super important for organizations to focus on the risks that could plausibly disrupt the most important aspects of their operations. Building up resilience to handle these risks is more crucial than ever before.
In this masterclass leaders and decision-makers share their perspectives on how to identify blind spots, and deepen their understanding of the multifaceted risks facing enterprises. Explore strategies to anticipate, mitigate, and adapt to the complexities of polycrisis, that can aid in blueprinting a prudent & resilient risk management system that ensures organizations not only survive but thrive amidst uncertainty.