• Eligibility Criteria
  • Section 1
  • Section 2
  • Section 3
  • Declaration

Large-level Companies (Annual turnover: 2000 Crores and above)

ICICI Lombard and CNBC-TV18 welcome you to participate in the 11th edition of the India Risk Management Awards.

It is our endeavor to recognize the best risk management initiatives in the industry which are innovative, path-defining and yet grounded in robust risk management fundamentals.

In this edition of India Risk Management Awards, the evaluation process will be undertaken through 2 nomination forms:

  • Objective Form – Contains short objective questions
  • Subjective Form – Contains descriptive/elaborate questions

The nomination forms are designed to understand and assess your risk management practices and associated domains of risk management. All participating organizations are required to submit their responses in the Objective Form first.

Thereafter, only the shortlisted respondents will be required to submit the Subjective Form on risk management. We encourage you to share your risk management stories with us in form of articles, case studies and/or success stories.

1. Eligibility criteria

  • Participant organisation must be registered in India as a sole proprietorship, partnership, public company, private company, HUF or trust MSMEs having at least 2 complete years of operations in India as on March 31, 2024
  • An organisation cannot participate on behalf of its sister units; parent organisation or other organisations under the parent organisation.
  • Insurance companies are not eligible to participate
  • The final eligibility of the participant will be subject to the discretion and approval of Jury and/ or Awards Management
  • Participant must have a revenue INR 2000 Cr and above in FY 23-24.

2. List of nomination categories

While participants can apply for multiple categories, please go through the criteria below and description of nomination category before submitting your nomination.

  • Overall: You can apply for maximum 4 categories from the award categories listed below including General A, General B and Specialization categories
  • General A: You can apply for only one category from the award categories listed from General- Category A (1-3) below.
  • General B: You can apply for only one category from the award categories listed from General- Category B (1-24) below.
  • Specialisation: You can apply for a maximum of three categories from the award categories listed from Specialized nomination categories (1-11) below.

Summary of maximum nomination limit across categories:

Category No.Category typeMax. nomination limit
1 – 3 General Category A - Conglomerate/ Private/ PSU 1
1 – 24 General Category B - Sectors 1
1- 11 Specialized nomination categories 3
All categories 4

Note: Nomination in at least one General category (Category A or Category B) is mandatory.

*Illustrative Example:

  • If a company chooses to nominate itself in General- Category A and General- Category B, it can nominate itself in maximum 2 categories from the Specialization category
  • If a company chooses to nominate itself in any one of General- Category A or General- Category B, it can nominate itself in maximum 3 categories from the Specialization category
General nomination categories – Masters of Risk
Category A- Conglomerate/ Private/ PSU (Only 1)
1ConglomerateThis award is for a conglomerate that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes.
2Private companyThis award is for a Private Company (Listed/Unlisted) that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes
3PSUThis award is for a PSU that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes
Category B- Sectors (Only 1)
1AgricultureThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Agriculture Industry
2Automotive - OEMThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Automotive - OEM Industry
3Auto - ancillaryThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Automotive - Ancillary Industry
4Travel and TourismThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Travel and Tourism industry
5Capital projects & infraThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Capital Projects and Infrastructure Industry
6TextilesThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Textiles Industry
7FMCGThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within FMCG Industry
8IT – ITeSThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within IT-ITeS Industry
9Metals & miningThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Metals and Mining Industry
10HealthcareThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Healthcare Industry
11Industrial chemical manufacturingThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Industrial chemical manufacturing
12PharmaThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Pharma Industry
13Power, energy & utilitiesThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Power, energy & utilities Industry
14Real estateThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Real Estate
15RetailThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Retail Industry
16HospitalityThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Hospitality Industry
17Media and entertainmentThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Entertainment Industry
18TelecomThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Telecom Industry
19Banking (Private)This award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Private Banking Industry
20Banking (Public)This award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Public Banking Industry
21NBFCThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within NBFC Industry
22Paper and PackagingThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within Paper and Packaging Industry
23E-CommerceThis award is for an organisation that has developed best in class risk management strategies and processes within the E-Commerce Industry
24LogisticsThis award shall be for an organisation that has developed best-in-class logistics risk management strategies and processes.
Specialized nomination categories
1Business continuityThis award shall be for an organisation that has developed best-in-class business continuity risk management strategies and processes.
2Cyber securityThis award shall be for an organisation that has developed best-in-class cyber risk management strategies and processes.
3Risk governanceThis award shall be for an organisation that has instituted best-in-class risk governance framework.
4Environmental, Social, and GovernanceThis award shall be for an organisation that has developed best-in-class Environmental, Social, and Governance processes.
5TechnologyThis award shall be for an organization that has leveraged technology in risk management domain.
6Regulatory compliance managementThis award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Compliance Management Framework.
7Fraud prevention and ethics ManagementThis award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Ethics and Fraud Risk Management Framework.
8Brand & social media risk managementThis award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Brand and Social Media Risk Management Framework.
9Supply chain risk managementThis award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Supply Chain Risk Management.
10Operational Technology (OT) SecurityThis award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Operational Technology (OT) Security
11Third Party Risk Management This award shall be for an organization that has instituted best in-class Third Party Risk Management.

3. Instructions for submitting nominations

  • Forms should be filled in English. Please submit your responses in the editable nomination forms only.
  • The Objective Form contains 4 questions, against which multiple statements are provided. You are requested to tick the statements which are applicable to your organization.
  • Section I (Participant Information) is mandatory for all participants.
  • Section II (General category nomination – Objective Form), is mandatory for all participants.
  • If you are applying for one or more award categories from Category A and B in the above list (and are not applying for any category from Specialized category in the above list), you are required to submit ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA Nomination form’ only Section II.
  • If you are applying for one or more of award categories from Specialized Nomination Categories in the above list, please fill the specific nomination form(s) from Section III.
  • All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms may not be considered.
  • Participants will receive a confirmation email within 10 working days of submission of their nomination form. Awards Management will not be responsible for nomination forms that are lost due to lapse in any communication on account of internet /server failure.
  • By submitting this nomination form, you agree to abide by all terms and conditions including the declaration form.
  • Ensure the ‘Declaration’ at the end of the form is filled and shared by an authorized representative of the company.
  • Nomination form(s) complete in all aspects should be mailed to from your official email ID latest by February 10th, 2025 9 PM IST
  • Please maintain one copy of the completed form with you for your records.

Illustrative examples:

1. If you are applying for ‘Masters of Risk– Private Company’ and ‘Masters of Risk– Metals & mining’, then please fill and submit the ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA nomination form’ only.

2. If you are applying for ‘Masters of Risk– Private Company’, ‘Masters of Risk– Metals & mining’ and ‘Masters of Risk– Cyber security’, then please submit the nomination form for ‘Masters of Risk– Cyber security’ along with ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA nomination form’.

3. If you are applying for ‘Masters of Risk– Private Company’, ‘Masters of Risk– Metals & mining’, ‘Masters of Risk– Cyber security’ and ‘Masters of Risk – Business continuity’, then please submit the nomination forms for ‘Masters of Risk– Cyber security’, ‘Masters of Risk – Business continuity’ and ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA nomination form’.

4. Terms & conditions

  • Employees of ICICI Lombard, CNBC-TV18 & Network18 and Knowledge Partner are not allowed to participate in the Awards.
  • Participants may be contacted for any additional information to verify the information provided. Such information sourced from the Participants will become part of the original application. If such a request is made and the Participant does not comply within 5 working days from the date the request is made, the Participant may be disqualified from participation in the Awards. Awards Management or team appointed by Awards Management will try to contact the Participant on best effort basis by any means deemed appropriate.
  • Information provided by the Participant will be confidential and will be used only for the limited purpose of evaluating the Participant’s entry to these Awards and preparing industry reports (without identifier) and participant reports.
  • Awards Management shall not be liable in any manner for any mishap, accident, injury or damages etc. of whatsoever nature, caused to the participants during the Awards. Further, Awards Management shall not be liable in any manner for any loss, damage, theft, or any other mishap caused during the Awards.
  • Receipt of application forms after last date of receipt specified may be permitted only at the discretion of the Awards Management.
  • If at any time, including after the conclusion of any of the award ceremony, any information provided by any Participant(s), is found to be incorrect in any manner, then the Participant will be liable to be disqualified and / or return the Award.
  • Decision of Awards Management on all matters including tie breakers and determination of award winners is final and binding on all Participants and no correspondence will be entertained on the same.
  • By participating in the Awards, the participant agrees to abide by and be bound by Terms & Conditions established by the Awards Management Team.
  • All disputes relating to or arising out of the Awards shall be subject to the laws of India, and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction at Delhi, India

In case of any queries, please feel free to contact the following:

Name: Annu

Contact number: +91 9820775032

E-mail id:


Organisational details

Nomination details

(Please refer to the ‘instructions on submitting nominations’ on Eligibility Criteria).

General Category Awards – Masters of Risk

Please share a brief description about your organisation’s core business.(Maximum 250 words.)

Specialized Nomination Categories (Maximum 3)

Select the Maximum 3 relevant option against the categories for which you wish to submit your nomination(s).

**If you are submitting your nomination for one or more categories from specialized award categories, please fill the respective nomination form(s) from Section III. Please refer to Eligibility Criteria of this document for details.

General Category Nomination Form

This form has 5 questions.

1. Are the following in place at your organization?

Select the relevant option wherever applicable.

2. Please indicate whether the following leading practices for effective risk management are incorporated at your organization.

Select the relevant option wherever applicable.

3. People and culture are integral to success of any risk management program. Which of the following activities are performed in your organization?

Select the relevant option wherever applicable.

4. Which of the following technology and analytics-related enablers are in place at your organization?

Select the relevant option wherever applicable.

5. Are there documented Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) for critical business functions and processes?

Select only one applicable options:



I, [name of declarant] hold the position of [designation] in [participating company] and I hereby declare the following:

  • By submitting this form from the company’s official email ID, I hereby confirm that I am duly authorized to make this declaration as an authorized representative of the company.

  • All the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge

  • I understand that CNBC-TV18 and it’s affiliates may choose not to take steps to verify the information contained therein, and responsibility for any harm or damages caused by my fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations will be my own. I also agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned on the Awards website and ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA Nomination Form’

  • I authorize CNBC-TV18 and it’s affiliates to use the content submitted as part of this entry, in whole or in part and use and display such entry, which shall include trade publications, press releases, electronic posting to the Awards website, electronic hyperlinks to the website of the Participant, and any display format selected by CNBC-TV18 during the awards ceremony or at a later point in time, for a period of five years. Any such use shall ensure confidentiality and anonymity of information and data, as applicable

This declaration along with all other details pertaining to ‘CNBC-TV18 IRMA Nomination Form’ are authorized and validated by the sender and shared using an official email ID of the organization

This declaration must be filled by an authorized signatory (preferably Chief Executive Officer or Chief Risk Officer) from the participant organization.

In absence of a duly filled ‘Declaration’ document, your nomination may not be considered.